Listed below are details of the PowerPoint presentations which are available for Geography.

  • Every presentation includes a full site licence
  • All presentations are available on two CD-ROMs for the reduced price of €80 for over 660 slides




Glaciation is a PowerPoint presentation containing over 170 slides and 100 colour photographs. Each topic is fully illustrated with high quality photographs and diagrams. Including supplementary material such as thorough explanations about the reason for a glacier being blue and background material on essential topics such as the seasons, this product is excellent for both the most able and for those who struggle with the subject. €60


Weather and Climate


Weather and Climate contains over 70 slides. The presentation uses diagrams, animations, photographs and text to build up an understanding of weather and climate in the British Isles. Synoptic charts are also covered in relation to the British Isles. Air masses, warm fronts, cold fronts, depressions and cyclones are included as separate topics. €50


Plate Tectonics


Plate Tectonics contains over 40 slides. The presentation introduces the topic by firstly looking at the evidence, then drawing conclusions from the evidence, before explaining the nuts and bolts of plate tectonics. Destructive boundaries, constructive boundaries and conservative plate margins are discussed. Animation and photographs are used where appropriate, along with diagrams to assist students’ understanding. €35




Volcanoes contains over 40 slides. This presentation explains what volcanoes are, where we find them (including the “Ring of Fire”), how volcanoes form and their structure, the different types of volcano (active, dormant, extinct, cone, composite and lava flow or plateau), igneous intrusions and the advantages of living close to a volcano. Numerous diagrams and pictures help to explain these features. €35




Tourism contains over 50 slides. The definition and history of tourism is included in the topics covered, along with the environmental impact of tourism, the rapid growth of tourism and tourism’s effect on the economy. The presentation can be used for independent learning or as an aid for teacher-led discussion on this topical unit of the Geography syllabus. €40


Earthquakes & the Structure of the Earth


Earthquakes & the Structure of the Earth is a presentation of 24 slides which has been designed for students to work through independently. It covers the structure of the Earth, as confirmed by seismic waves from earthquakes. €30


Rivers & Water Supply


Rivers & Water Supply is a presentation of over 40 slides which explains the hydrological cycle and drainage basins. €35


Maths for Senior Cycle Geography


Maths for Senior Cycle Geography contains over 230 slides. This PowerPoint presentation is an interesting and stimulating way to deliver the arithmetic concepts required for Senior Cycle Geography students. This CD-ROM will assist your students in gaining a sound grounding in the mathematical concepts required to cope with Geography at this higher level. It will be particularly useful for students who need support with coursework. Designed to be delivered by the teacher where necessary or for independent study by students, this CD can be used in class, in areas such as the library or even at home – you can copy the CD as many times as you wish for use in the purchasing school. €60